3 forgotten World War One Soldiers are now remembered here in Simonstone as they have been added to the War Memorial. The cost of the hand carved stone plaque was done with the fund raising of the Parish Council Chairman David Peat who contacted the Canadian Saskatchewan regiment of one of the soldiers. They had fund raising events there and then sent over two representatives to be present. Relatives of Coporal Brekell were brought together and met for the first time at St Peters Church at the ceremony.
Donations were also received from the Household Cavalry Association for North West and Yorkshire local companies Fort Vale engineering and Seaways Services. The names of the forgotten soldiers were discovered by local historians Brian Jeffery and Richard Mathews.
Photo gallery of the event https://www.facebook.com/pg/simonstone.pc/photos/?tab=album&album_id=564470823698612&ref=page_internal